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What is the California Carpet Stewardship Program?

In 2010, California passed AB 2398, a bill establishing a carpet recycling program to increase carpet recycling rates throughout the state.


The bill was designed to find ways to incentivize the growth of carpet reclamation and recycling in California to promote business and sustainable carpet through subsidies, grants and investing in carpet recycling infrastructure.


Why Join the Coalition? 

CalRecycle and members of the California Legislature have enacted laws that set incredibly aggressive goals for carpet recycling. Manufacturers, retailers and installers have consequently borne the burden of regulations, such as the current $0.35 assessment fee per square yard of carpet at every point of sale. By uniting the industry and other stakeholders through a strong coalition, we can keep the program under the industry’s leadership and prevent further carpet fees from harming businesses and the industry as a whole.


In 2019, two new threats have emerged that put the industry-led carpet recycling program at risk of being taken over by state government, funded with your tax dollars, and would likely require higher point-of-purchase recycling fees for consumers. Headwinds in 2019 will be strong, and the industry needs your help to aggressively define the related issues of carpet recycling to legislators, regulators and the governor’s administration.


Joining the coalition means your voice will be heard while strengthening the interests of the carpet industry as one unified front.


About the Coaliton

The California Carpet Coalition was launched as an effort to engage and unite members of the carpet and related industries who want to promote industry recycling successes through affordability and sustainability. Members of the coalition have come together to amplify their voice while informing the Legislature what their needs are to further their business interests and continue to advance carpet recycling in California.


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